This privacy policy governs the collection and use of information provided by or collected from you by Maine Ocean Lobster, LLC d/b/a The Pointe, www.maineoceanlobster.com, all of which are collectively referred to in these terms and conditions of use as "MOL".
MOL respects your privacy and security. MOL's lobster Distribution facility and Internet sites are meant to be of service to you. We record a variety of information from your visit to our facility and / or Internet sites in order to provide you with the best products, timely information, and quality customer service.
This notice explains our store and online information practices as well as the options you can take regarding the way your personal information is collected and used.
What Information We Collect and How We Use It
Information Shared with Third Parties
Changing Your Information or Unsubscribing
Links to / from Other Sites
Our Commitment to Data Security
Notice of Changes
What Information We Collect and How We Use It
We may collect information (including name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, and other personal identifying information) when you:
- Make a purchase at our facility.
- Place an order from our Internet site or by phone.
- Return or exchange an item.
- Receive a gift.
- Create an account at maineoceanlobster.com.
- Subscribe to our email list.
- Subscribe to our direct mail list.
- Register or attend one of our events or seminars.
- Enter a contest.
- Inquire about our products or services.
Any personal information that we collect is used for the purposes of completing one of the applicable 10 tasks / items noted above and / or to communicate with you.
Additional information regarding your privacy and the personal information MOL collects from you is detailed below.
Your First MOL Internet Order: Based upon the options you select, we will use the information you provide to:
- Place you on our email list to receive emails with special offers and updates about our products and services, unless you select the checkbox at checkout informing us not to do so.
- Place you on our direct mail list to receive direct mail with special offers and updates about our products and services, unless you select the checkbox at checkout informing us not to do so.
Subsequent MOL Purchases: If you have previously purchased product(s) from MOL, your subscription status will remain unchanged unless you edit your account profile or notify us.
Send a Gift: When you send a gift and request that it is sent directly to the recipient, you will need to submit the recipient's name and postal address. We use this information to ship the product and confirm delivery. We also reserve the right to add this information to our direct mail databases. Any personalized gift message that you provide to us will be used only as part of that message and will not be disclosed other than to the person receiving the gift.
Request for Direct Mail Subscription: When you request to receive our direct mail, we collect your name, postal address, and areas of interest in our product selections. This information is used to send you direct mail offers and updates about our products and services. If you later decide that you do not wish to receive direct mail pieces, simply follow the instructions in the section below entitled, Changing Your Information or Unsubscribing.
Request for Email Subscription: When you request to subscribe to our email list, we collect your email address so that we may send you our e-newsletter with special offers and updates about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from our email list at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe link" at the bottom of any electronic mail that you receive from us or by following the instructions in the section below entitled, Changing Your Information or Unsubscribing.
When you send us an email, we collect your name and email address and use them to reply to your inquiry. Unless you have otherwise agreed (for example, by signing up for our e-newsletter), we do not retain your name and email address to be used for any other reasons but to assist you.
Request from You to Email to Others: When you request that we email any content from our web site to someone else, we collect your name and email address, the other person's name and email address, and the message you write. We use the other person's name and email address only to send the link you requested and your message.
Establish an Online MOL Account: When you establish an online MOL account, we collect your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Your account can be used to update your account information, save addresses to your Address Book, and track orders. We also use the information in your account to place you on our direct mail and email subscription lists unless you select the check boxes informing us not to do so. To update your account information, simply follow the instructions below entitled, Changing Your Information or Unsubscribing.
Information Shared with Third Parties
We share your personal information with outside parties only to the extent necessary to complete your transactions, services, or requests.
We do not make lists of our customers' names and postal addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers available to other companies.
We share information about our customers and visitors with trusted service providers who provide MOL with specific services and / or administer activities offered by MOL.
We may use non-personal aggregate information (as opposed to personally identifiable individual information) about our customers and / or visitors to better design our web site and product and service offerings, and we may provide it to advertisers and other third parties.
Changing Your Information or Unsubscribing
At any time you can unsubscribe, correct, or update your information or modify your preferences pertaining to our direct mail and email subscription lists.
To review, change, or update information, as it pertains to your personal information or our promotional direct mail and email lists, you have several options:
- maineoceanlobster.com Account Members: Click on the "My Account" button at the top of the home page, and then click on the "Edit My Profile" button to change your information.
- Email: Send an email request to newsletter@maineoceanlobster.com, including your name, address, email address, and request. Or, unsubscribe via the "unsubscribe link" at the bottom of any electronic mail that you receive from us.
- Postal Mail: Mail us your name, address, email address, and request to Attention: Webmaster, Maine Ocean Lobster 31 badgers island West, Kittery, ME 03904.
- Telephone: Call 207-994-3179 in the United States and Canada.
To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to this information or making corrections.
Requests to unsubscribe from our mailing list will be processed within 10 days. Please note that you may receive additional correspondence during that time. Also, further delays may occur if the email address or postal address information provided does not match the information in our database.
Links to / from Other Sites
To enhance your shopping experience, MOL may have outgoing links to other Internet web sites owned or operated by third-party vendors and other third parties (external sites). These external sites will have their own rules on privacy that you should review. You may also have visited the MOL web site via a link from an external site. MOL is not responsible for the privacy policies of any external web sites.
MOL uses a feature of your Internet web browser called a "cookie" to assign an identification code to your computer. Cookies are files that your web browser places on your computer's hard drive. We do not and cannot use cookies to retrieve personal information about you from your computer unless such information was knowingly and willingly provided by you. Cookies do not provide us with access to any credit card information.
Our Commitment to Data Security
MOL wants to ensure the security of your personal and financial information while you are shopping on our web site. Please be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as 100% secure. For this reason, we employ secure sockets layer (SSL) security measures to protect your personal information. Every page of the checkout process on the MOL web site uses SSL to transmit your personal information to our servers. Basically, SSL is a set of rules followed by computers connected to the Internet. These rules include encryption, which guards against eavesdropping, data integrity, which ensures that your communications aren't tampered with during transmission; and authentication, which verifies that the party actually receiving your communication is who it claims to be. For added protection, we urge you to close your browser window (or clear your cache) after shopping online to ensure you are logged out of your visit and / or online account. This is especially important when you are sharing a computer or using a computer with public access.
Notice of Changes
MOL's privacy policy is subject to change without notice. At any time, you may visit our web site to view our current policy.